Tough economic times coupled with medical bills, cost of living and mortgage payments can make finances difficult to manage. Out of everyone affected, senior citizens have been most affected by the foreclosure crisis. For those of you having trouble making payments on your homes, don’t lose hope yet! There might still be a way to save your home by working with your bank.
Ilyce Glink of the
Equifax Personal Finance Blog has some helpful advice that might just help those in fear of foreclosure save their homes. In a recent post,
“Can I Save My Home From Foreclosure?”, Glink recounts what she has learned from people across the country. She says the trend tends to be that many people (and seniors) she encounters are struggling financially, both indirectly and directly, due to expensive medical bills and other living expenses.
Glink provides readers with links for information on loan modification programs and direct contact with HUD-certified housing counselors. She also provides links to help you contact the president of your bank in the event that you cannot get helpful results from the first line of associates you deal with.
If these tips on avoiding foreclosure might be helpful to you, first take a deep breath and then take a look at Glink’s post on the
Equifax Personal Finance Blog. Here, you’ll find encouragement and possibly the exact answer to your situation. Please let us know which tips worked for you.