With the advancements available on smartphones and tablet computers, it has been made easier than ever to work, play and enjoy life on the go. While many people think of Angry Birds and Words with Friends when it comes to great apps, there is a budding group of finance apps which can allow you to easily keep up with budgets and
investments on the go. Equifax money management expert Jennifer Freeman offers advice about the money apps you should have on your smart phone or tablet now to keep your investments in line in her article, “
Great Mobile Apps to Help You Manage Your Finances.” We’re so sure that this article will have something you can benefit from that we’ve made it our first draft pick in the Technology Tweet Tournament – just re-tweet this Twitter post to help us win!
Wikinvest (iOS, Android) imports your investments and brokerage accounts into one view and provides updates every night. It allows you to have a high-level view of your portfolio, compare your performance to major indices and research your next investment right on the app with supplied company charts, analysis and news. It’s a one-stop-shop for investment finances, and it’s free.
Mint (iOS, Android) is a free finance app which allows you to have a whole-picture view of your money. Mint fetches up to date information about accounts supplied to it including checking, saving, money market and many other investment accounts all in one. The app also keeps track of changes and automatically categorizes charges so you can easily see where your money goes each month and budget accordingly. The app is tied to a website which has additional services like personalized money tips based on your spending habits, helpful graphs and more.
Equifax Personal Finance Blog has more great info about investment, retirement, taxes and more. Now you can also download the Equifax Mobile app (iOS, Android) to keep up with quality financial advice on the go!